There are two types of diabetes; type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is less common and with this type the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. This deficiency has to be treated with injections or tablets. Type 2 is increasingly common, even in children. It's not unusual for people to have type 2 diabetes for a few years before it is detected. The symptoms can be vague and patients may hardly notice that their health is affected.Regulation of blood sugar
In type 2, the pancreas cannot properly regulate blood sugar levels. The body does not respond to insulin, meaning an insensitivity or resistance to insulin is present. Furthermore, this can lead to a lack of insulin production. Type 2 diabetes is usually first treated with blood glucose regulating tablets before insulin therapy, by means of injections, is advised. Another form of diabetes is gestational diabetes, in which women who have not previously been diagnosed with diabetes, have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy.Predisposition for diabetes?
It could be that you have a predisposition for diabetes, but it does not necessarily mean that it will develop. This depends on your lifestyle. Obesity and lack of exercise increase the likelihood of diabetes developing.Metabolic syndrome
Some people have a pre-stage of diabetes called insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Not everyone with metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance develops diabetes. It is advised to remove bread, pasta, potatoes and white rice from the diet and taking a proper amount of exercise. These are key components in the treatment of metabolic syndrome and diabetes because this increases the sensitivity to insulin. Intermittent fasting in combination with these lifestyle changes lead to very positive results.