EFT also known as tapping
EFT is a simple and practical method for reducing stress. The philosophy behind it, is that all negative emotions are caused by disturbance of the energy system. Treatments like acupuncture and acupressure assume that our energy flows through meridians. Physical and emotional complaints are the result of blockades of this energy flow. As with these age-old treatment methods, EFT uses pressure points.
Exerting gentle pressure (energy or internal heat) causes transfer of electrons through the body. This stimulates the nervous system. The ‘tapping’ of acupressure points then sends stress reduction signals to that part of the brain, which is triggered by fear.
Trauma processing
For our ancestors, it was very important to remember traumatic events. This increased survival chances. Our subconscious mind does not distinguish between real threat or just imagined danger. In case of a psychological trauma, the body continues to send stress signals to the brain, even after the danger has passed.
Applications EFT
EFT works well with many complaints, including pain and anxiety. It’s therefore very suitable for treating trauma. The goal of EFT is to eliminate energetic blocks and integrate unpleasant memories into daily life. The starting point in this therapy, is that you accept – from the very beginning – who you are and what you experience. This is why it’s so effective. Acceptance is key in the recovery from complaints.
After EFT treatment, feelings of safety and a sense of ‘being at peace’ are felt. It gives feeling of being a spectator and no longer a participant of the traumatic event. A vague reminder can now become very clear, or a clear memory can just fade away.
Natural Health Curaçao uses EFT as part of trauma healing, anxiety reduction and other problems caused by emotional suppression.
‘The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.’ (Carl Rogers, 1961)
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